Jan 2, 2018 — Here's some photos of the rear AC in a cargo van. My 2016 had no ... Having the unit in the van was a real plus vs the Sprinter roof-top unit.
DOWNLOAD: https://tinurli.com/2f8cyu
DOWNLOAD: https://tinurli.com/2f8cyu
Oct 21, 2019 — We can offer rear Air conditioning A/c in current Mercedes Benz Sprinters / VW Crafters in two different formats: 1 -“teed” into the front system .... Apr 26, 2020 — To remove this portion use a wooden block and pry bar to slightly lift the edges of the unit while you use a long thin razor knife to reach in and .... Once installed, the hard plastic cover on the AC can easily be removed for maintenance and cleaning. ACM135B Advent Air RV Roof Air Conditioner – 13,500 Btu ... 939c2ea5af